DAW 300PC Mobile Weighing System



  • Weighs vehicles up to 25 mph
  • Weighing capacity is 20 tons per axle
  • Microprocessor controlled electronics built into rugged, portable metal enclosure
  • Measured loads displayed on PC or printed on tape printer
  • Programmable limits for axle and total weights
  • Alarm sounds when pre-programmed weights are exceeded
  • Bending plate sensor can be permanently installed, flush mounted with road surface or used with approach and departure ramps

High-speed thermal dot matrix printer
Displays gross weight, axle loads, group loads, limit, overload, date and time.

Displays gross weight, axle loads, group loads, limit, overload, axle spacing, bridge weight violation, vehicle type, data and time.

Dynamic weighing plate
Constructed of high strength steel with wire strain load measuring gauges. The entire pad is covered with hot vulcanized neoprene rubber.



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